Start Archery Week 2025 is coming!

What do I need to take to a competition?

Heading to your first archery competition? Don't let packing stress you out! This guide covers all the essential equipment you'll need to bring, from your bow and arrows to spare parts and even comfort items. With this checklist, you can focus on your shooting and enjoy the competition.

Packing for your first archery competition can be a bit daunting, but with a little planning, you'll be well-prepared. Here's a checklist of essential items to bring. 


  • Bow and arrows: Remember that your arrows need to have your initials on the shafts. This is in case of bouncers and lost arrows. You can write them on with a pen or there are places where you can buy printed sticky labels that have your name on.
  • Archery GB membership card (physical or digital): You’ll need to show this when you arrive
  • Arm guard and finger tab/glove
  • Finger/wrist sling (if you use one)
  • Quiver
  • Bow stand
  • Bow stringer
  • Release aid (if you use one)
  • Arrow puller


  • Arrows: It's always good to have a few extra arrows in case of breakage.
  • String
  • Nock points, fletchings, and glue: For quick repairs.
  • Small tool kit: For any minor adjustments or repairs

Other useful items

  • A black or blue pen: Keep it in your quiver for scoring and marking the target (Do not use red! That’s reserved for judges)
  • Drinks and snacks: These are very important as they’re going to get you through a long day of shooting. Some venues will have food options available but it’s not a given so you can always email the Tournament Organiser before to check.
  • Sunscreen or layers: If it’s hot, you might need sunscreen and a hat. If it’s cold, bring extra layers and a rain jacket, just in case. 
  • First-aid kit: Just in case of any minor injuries. Major ones should be reported to the Tournament Officer immediately. 
  • Tent: At outdoor competitions, you’ll see that some people bring pop-up tents as shelter from the elements or places to store their kit. These are completely optional but if you choose to bring one, be respectful of others – it shouldn’t be too big or pitched too close to the waiting line. 
  • Chair or ground mat: For comfort between rounds.
  • Technology: A spare battery pack or cable to charge your phone in your car is always useful because competitions are often in signal-free places which drain your battery.

Packing for an archery competition is crucial for a successful day. Remember, it's better to have more than you need than to be caught short and a well-packed bag can help reduce stress and boost your confidence.. With a little preparation, you'll be ready to focus on your shooting and enjoy the competition.


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