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09 May 2022

Stay sun safe at the archery range with the Melanoma Fund

When you're at the range for hours on end, it can be easy to forget the impact of UV exposure as you focus on the target. Now there's no excuse, as awareness around sun safety is about to get 'super-charged', thanks to Sunguarding Sport, a new campaign by the Melanoma Fund, supported by Archery GB.

Sportspeople receive substantially higher UV exposure, and routinely exceed the recommended exposure limits, increasing their risk of sun damage and skin cancer. Factors such as sweating, water contact, minimal clothing, and lack of shade, make it even more relevant, however, only 50% currently sun protect when exercising outdoors.

Sunguarding Sport is a free resource that provides a systematic approach to educate and raise awareness of sun protection to all in sport and outdoor recreation. It provides guidelines, sport specific advice (created in partnership with each governing body) and a toolkit of downloadable materials, designed to be shared by all in sport.

Topics include which sunscreen to use, type of clothing, tips on application and shade, how to avoid or deal with heatstroke, sunburn, heat exhaustion, dehydration and much more.Archers on a sunny range

Top tips to remember

1. UV radiation cannot be seen or felt, so check the UV Index daily, and use sun protection when it reads 3 or over.
2. A short training session can last for hours, so get into the habit of being sun prepared before you start any outdoor activity.
3. Sunscreen can wear, wash, rub or sweat off, so reapply every two hours or more often when around water.
4. To avoid a greasy grip, use a sunscreen applicator or clean palms with a small towel and alcohol gel.
5. When removing clothing on a warm day, remember to apply sunscreen to all newly exposed areas of skin.

Follow the conversation on social: #IFNOTWHYNOT? and #SUNGUARDINGSPORT22

For further details visit:


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