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29 March 2022

Competition time for Leicester Archery Academy

Earlier this month Leicester Archery Academy held a club competition. More than 60 people attended and took part throughout the day, using either their own or club kit.

First up was the women and girls' session followed by the men and boys' event. The club coaches worked incredibly hard with a few archers each to oversee, encouraging everyone in their shooting and competition scoring.

After a long period of closure through Covid, members were really keen to be able to compete again in this family-style archery club. Some members first joined as juniors when they were under 10 years old, and are still shooting regularly alongside friends they joined with, now enjoying trying out different bowstyles

Leicester Archery Academy competition

Gold, silver, bronze

There were gold, silver and bronze medals presented in each category, awarded to some archers who had not taken part in a competition before. Some of the juniors couldn’t help but eagerly inspect the shiny new medals on the presentation table while shooting was taking place! It really boosted everyone’s confidence if they managed to walk out with one around their neck, regardless of age. As coach Mohamed Patel reminded all of them: ‘It’s all about taking part and enjoying the experience’.

Male archers at Leicester Archery Academy

The club is so popular they would really value a larger shooting facility to accommodate more archers, or extended shooting times, but this is very difficult to achieve in a city centre location. However, after Ramadan, the club is looking forward to shooting at their outdoor venue again, and possibly holding a social shoot and 'have a go', as part of Start Archery Week.

Find out more about Leicester Archery Academy.


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